Business Technology Assessment
Designed to answer the following questions:
1. What role does IT play within your business at present?
2. Are you spending time managing your IT rather than your business?
3. Is your IT an investment that helps make money for you or is it just a cost?
A free, no obligation assessment to determine the role of IT in your business and the potential for greater benefit and productivity.
Your business may rely on IT, but usually that isn’t what your business is about. IT should be there to facilitate your day to day processes and increase your bottom line, however it is only one part of your business. At MonkeyPuzzle Computers, we see your business as a whole where IT has it’s place – a place where it must continually prove it’s worth.
Our Business Technology Assessment can identify what role IT plays, where it fails your business and where improvements can be made. We seek to provide business solutions, identifying how the various parts combine to make a whole and refining that to make further gains.
The Technology Assessment covers the current state of play, IT infrastructure, IT pain points, data security, disaster recovery, simple SWOT analysis, use of email and many other IT related issues. The result is a comprehensive report giving sound indications of how your business can benefit from an IT investment that is right for you.
The BTA will take approximately an hour of your time. If you feel this would be time well spent, please contact Phil Wright now.