MonkeyPuzzle Computers: Ilminster, Somerset

The Perfect Partnership

For some time now we have had an extremely effective working relationship with one of our suppliers. So much so, in fact, that it seems churlish to call them merely a supplier - they are without doubt a true partner and through the relationship both parties benefit.

The company in question is Merlin Telecommunications and they provide data connection and VOIP (voice over ethernet) call services to many of our clients.

Why the Partnership Works

Technology Crossover

Data connections provided by Merlin Telecommunications come into a client’s building and then have to be distributed. Equipment on-premises, such as routers, connect to these data services. Then users have to be provided with these services via internal networks, both wired and wireless. VOIP services and direct internet connection both travel over these data connections. PCs and phone equipment need supporting and maintaining to ensure staff can perform their daily tasks.

Although Merlin Telecommunications may provide the internet connection or VOIP service and MonkeyPuzzle Computers support the hardware, there is much blurring of where one provider’s remit begins and the other’s ends. With Merlin we find it very easy to liaise with them over any issues and ‘scratch each other’s back’ in terms of providing a solution to the client. The end result: the client gets prompt service rather than the service providers squabbling over whose fault it might be.

Ease of Contact

As you might imagine, MonkeyPuzzle Computers use a VOIP service provided by Merlin Telecommunications. It’s reliable, cost-effective and we can make internal calls to them easily. Not only that, the system allows easy configuration of call diverts so when Merlin are out of the office we get put through to their mobiles. Or another staff member. And their own internal communication is good, so other staff members know what is going on when we ring up.

The Client

Imagine you are one of our mutual clients; you’re busy running your business and quite frankly you don’t really care if the issue that is affecting one of your staff members is down to hardware or service provision - all you know is that it is costing money to have someone out of action. When you call your IT support company and/or the phone service supplier what you would really like to hear is ‘Leave it with us, we’ll fix it’. Not be passed back and forth, with one party blaming the other. Due to the working partnership we have with Merlin Telecommunications, we are able to provide our clients with the former scenario. Every time. Not only that, but we actively market this aspect - we tell prospective clients how closely we work together and that if they have an issue, they only have to call one provider to have it resolved. How often have you been given the run-around with no-one taking responsibility? Not if you are our client.


The bottom line is this; our clients pay us to provide a quality service. And we aim to exceed those expectations every time. By aligning ourselves with a supplier with similar goals, and one that believes in cooperation not competition, we not only provide that impeccable service to our clients, we keep their business working effectively. 

If you would like to know more about how MonkeyPuzzle Computers and Merlin Telecommunications can improve your business and reduce costs, call us now on 01460 200 000.

Added By: Phil Wright on 08th Jul 2012 - 11:45
Last Updated: 04th Jun 2015 - 11:12

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10 West Street, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 9AB
T: 01460 200 000
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