MonkeyPuzzle Computers: Ilminster, Somerset

It's Snow Joke

I called DHL recently to book a collection only to be informed that there were no longer accepting any bookings due to the snow. BT were also experiencing delays in answering calls that day due to staff being unable to make it in to work.

There are so many ways to engage in remote working, that there ought to be some way that most of us can work from home when unable to get to the office. Okay, you can’t drive a delivery van through a snow drift, but you can access email, log on to online applications and use a telephone. For the majority of us, that’s enough to keep the wheels of business turning.

Don’t want to use your home phone for business calls? That’s where VOIP telephony (voice calls over a broadband connection) would allow calls to be made via a business number. Or use a business mobile phone.

Microsoft Office is now available as a web access version and many line of business applications like Brightpearl CRM & Accounting software are based solely online.

Often it is simply a case of adapting existing technology at work, rather than having to buy new IT infrastructure or services.

So, turn up the central heating, put the kettle on and imagine what it would have been like had it been necessary to make the commute into the office this morning. 

Added By: Phil Wright on 02nd Dec 2010 - 09:56
Last Updated: 02nd Dec 2010 - 10:55

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