MonkeyPuzzle Computers: Ilminster, Somerset

Hard Drives Do Fail

A short time ago a client of ours had a bit of a potential disaster. A hard drive in their server failed mid-morning on a Friday as everyone was trying to finish work before the weekend.

Disaster was averted as their server is configured such that we could remove the offending hard drive and they carried on working while we sourced a replacement and fitted it later.

The point is not that they had their system set up with this level of redundancy in the first place and it all worked as it should, but that the hard drive actually failed.

Maybe that bears repeating - hard drives do fail.

The trick is to assume the worst and plan for this eventuality. Back up your data regularly - online or via USB hard drive are nice, simple methods. And if you run a server, it’s even more important as everyone in the company will be affected if it stops working.

Ten minutes effort talking to your IT support will let you know what plans are in place to ensure you continue working if a hard drive fails.

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